According to Christiansen & Townsend (2004) Affordance was originated by a man by the name of J.J Gibson. He describes affordance as the “actionable properties between the world and a person (or animal).” Christiansen & Townsend (2004) also states that affordance is “represented a relationship that is part of nature. They do not have to be visible, known or desirable and may yet remain undiscovered”.
In class we talked about the communications, connections and the ethics to do with our chosen activity. All of these things are not actually visible.
As mine activity is horse riding there are a number of different things in each of these categories but today I have chosen to talk about.
Communication can be either verbal or non-verbal (Hagedorn, 2000). When engaging in horse riding I am communication to my horse both verbally and non-verbally. When riding I am constantly talking to my horse, saying wooo or get up or even praising her on her work. I am even sad to say that I am talking to her negatively when she is being naughty. Bella and I have a kind of bond that is full of trust and respect.
Bella and I communicate non-verbally as well. When I am wanting her to walk I will lightly kick her up with my heels and then when I am wanting her to move into the next gate I will kick her up again and she know what I mean, I also use reins that are in Bella’s mouth and I pull them back to make her slow down which is also non-verbal.
Christiansen & E. Townsend. (2004). Introduction to occupation: The art and science of living. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson.
Hagedorn, R. (2000). Tools of practice in occupational therapy. A structured approach to core skills and processes. Edinburgh: Churchill Livingstone
There seems to be many different affordances that occur when you are horse riding kate. It is nice to see that you have created a bond with your horse and can communicate both verbally and non verbally to her.