Sunday, 16 October 2011

Post ssiiiixxxxx

According to Webster (2011) “Ambience a feeling or mood associated with a particular place, person, or thing.” My understanding of this quote is that the ambience of something is the way that it makes you feel and the atmosphere of what it is you are doing. For me in my activity of horse riding it the atmosphere is incredible. Every time I ride it is different. It may be at the same place but every time it is different. The weather may be different or the people whom I go with may be different which I really love. When riding along it’s just me and Bella. It is so soothing and relaxing that I could never ever get bored. The mood in which I am in or Bella is in is never the same either which is sometime very frighting as she is a very powerful animal, but it can also be very relaxing as she can be calm and relaxed which can be amazing to feel. The different places have a huge effect on the way that we feel when doing this activity as well, if we are in a busy environment with alot of other people it maybe more stressful for both Bell and i appose to riding through a bush alone where it is just her and I in our own little world.

Here are the 4 comments that I have places on other students blogs

Arendt, H. (1958).  The human condition.  Chicago: Chicago University Press

American Occupational therapy association, Inc. (2004) Ergonomics: Occupational Therapy in the Workplace. Retrieved on the 3/01/2011 from rgonomics.html

Caulton, R. & Dickson, R.  (2007).  What’s going on? Finding an explanation for what we do.  In J. Creek & A. Lawson-Porter (Eds.), Contemporary issues in occupational therapy (pp. 87-114).  Chichester: John Wiley & Sons Ltd.

Christiansen & E. Townsend. (2004). Introduction to occupation: The art and science of living. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson.

Hagedorn, R. (2000). Tools of practice in occupational therapy. A structured approach to core skills and processes. Edinburgh: Churchill Livingstone 

Webster, M. (2011). Ambience. Retrieved October 20th 2011 from:

Post ffiveee


According to Crepeau ( 2003 ) Aesthetics is all about the way the person feels about the activity and the way the person can express a sense of beauty. Crepeau ( 2003 ) also states that all activities have "the potential to express and enhance the sense of beauty". With my understanding of these quotes I am able to understand what Aesthetics is and link it in with my activity. I feel that everything about horse riding is beautiful. The way they run and the way that I feel when I am on the back of such a powerful animal.

 I love the sound of their feet pounding on the ground, the way their sweet sweat smells mixed with the fresh air and fresh grass that is around us. These feeling never get old they just get stronger and stronger each time on get on her.  I love the way it feels with both Bella and I are as one running off up a hill or walk through the river. She has her own personality and loves to be in water, I love that I can see how much she enjoys being in the water after a long run I allow her to spend time in a place that she loves so much. Every time we go riding it is different there are different smells, different colour, different landscapes and every time different mood that either Bella or I are in.

Caulton, R. & Dickson, R. (2007). What’s going on? Finding an explanation for what we do. In J. Creek & A. Lawson-Porter (Eds.), Contemporary issues in occupational therapy (pp. 87-114). Chichester: John Wiley & Sons Ltd.

Post ffoooooooorrrrr

Work and Labour

In class today we went over the difference between work and labour. According to Arendt (1958) "Labour consists of those things that we do in order to subsist, they have to be done whether we like it or not". From this quote I understand labour as being the activities that need to be done whether we like it or not. The labour that I believe involved with my activity is brushing Bella and cleaning out her feet before we can go out for a ride. When I’m doing these tasks I feel that I am a carer, I am taking responsibility and looking out for my horse, making sure she doesn’t injure herself. I really dont enjoy doing these activities, for me I need to do these but I really dont want to. I need this activity as without it I wouldn’t be able to ride Bella as she could get rashes and stone bruises on her feet. If I didn’t have to do this activity I would enjoy going out for a ride more as doing these things beforehand reduces my motivation to do my activity. 
Arendt (1958) states that "Work is the activity which corresponds to the unnaturalness of human existence". My understanding of this quote meaning that I don't need to ride my horse to survive, I only do it because I enjoy it. When riding I feel like an adventurer when I ride. Like a little girl with no worries in the world. I feel that horse riding for me is work as i choose to do it not get made to do it. If looking at needing to do this activity for me it is because I enjoy it so much that I love to do it. I need this activity in my life as I feel it is a way to relieve stress and get away from the world.

Arendt, H. (1958).  The human condition.  Chicago: Chicago University Press

Sunday, 2 October 2011

post frreeeeee


According to Caulton and Dickson (2007) Ergonomics underpins the ability to “constantly make slight invisible adjustments to an activity to adapt to the needs of those taking part and ensure that it continues to work for its intended purpose”
To my understanding ergonomics is about the person’s environment and the way that it is set up to increase to person’s productivity and quality of their work.
According to American Occupational therapy association, Inc. (2004) having good ergonomics can help with preventing injuries and it "promotes health, safety, and comfort for employees."
When going to ride Bella there are quite a few things that apply to me and her that would fit under the title of ergonomics. A lot of the things I do, I do to keep both me and her comfortable and safe when out together.

A comfortable saddle is only one thing that important for both me and Bella. It affects both of our postures and is specially designed to increase our productivity and quality of our ride and time together. Also on the saddle it is quite important for the stirrups to be at the right height for my legs which reduces the strain on my legs. This allows for me to be able to sit comfortably on the saddle which Bella can feel when we are riding together.

American Occupational therapy association, Inc. (2004) Ergonomics: Occupational Therapy in the Workplace. Retrieved on the 3/01/2011 from rgonomics.html

Caulton, R. & Dickson, R.  (2007).  What’s going on? Finding an explanation for what we do.  In J. Creek & A. Lawson-Porter (Eds.), Contemporary issues in occupational therapy (pp. 87-114).  Chichester: John Wiley & Sons Ltd.